About darkon73

New to this whole thing be gentle
I am a shy person that needs to get out of my house once in a wille ( i can't spell very good ) I am 5'11" tall, 195 lbs. blond hair, blue eyes. I like to spend time at home just relaxing, I like to cook and yes I am a good cook. Most of my time is spent at work I work from 7 am to 7 pm 5 days a week so as you can tell I don't have a lot of time to go many plases. I love to fuck for 3 to 6 hours at a time I love to give as much plesur to the woman as I can ( I was a vergin when I got maired so I was taught by a woman how to give her the most plesure as a person can give you won't be unsatisfide ever and no I am not maired any more
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