About leodavinci23

Just Cuz You Pour Syrup on $hit Dont Make It Pancakez...
# Music:Everything except country...im a big rock n roll fan but i cant tell u a single artist who sings what songs...but when i hear a song i like.i just like it and thats it!# Movies:All Back to the futures...Both Kill Bills..Most Gangster Movies and i like the scary ones too. Any movie by Quentin Tarantino...O and I like No country For Old Men now also...# Best Features:I say my personality and ability to deal with any type of person..im a 3dimensional person...no situation will make me uncomfortable at all.....But physically ive always been told my eyes and lips....ahhhhhhhh wutever!# Interests:Video Games, Clubbing, making sure everyone around me is having fun b i am....I dont like people to feel uncomfortable around me so ill do whatever to make sure they know its all 100 when they with me....Once i meet that special woman tho then maybe all the partying will come to a cease unless she wants to roll wit it!# Dreams:Work for or maybe own my own video game company...# Occupation:Only those who are close to me know what i actually do, and its a legit job so dont try to front on ya boy or imma have to shut you down...ya smell me?# Random Shit:There are two types of people, those who do, and those who dont, if your neither then your nobody.....# About Me:Ahhhhhhhhhhh Wutever!
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