About tomc1517

Where r you?
I am about the easiest going guy there is, I get along with most everyone. I think I have a great sense of humor, I can see something funny in most any situation. I work hard during the week, but have weekends free. I will try most anything and as long as I am with a friend I will find a way to have fun. I love to be outdoors, mainly around any kind of water. I do not "sweat the small stuff", if it is not life threatening, then I don't worry about it. I have a serious side, but I only like to use it when necessary. I also like anything to do with motor sports, love old cars and motorcycling on back country roads and small towns. I love women, I think they are the best thing there is when you find one that can be your lover and at the same time, your best friend. Clean, safe and very fun. Also well endowed. I promise that part. Also last a very long time, bad for me, good for you.
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