About tmumford
cowboyupAre you ready to ride!
I highly dislike attempting to sum up my being in so many words. Everyone should see themselves as deeper than words on a page. But here goes. I take multiple perspectives on everything. I see it all from both sides, or more, because nothing in this world or the next is certain and no one idea lasts forever. Change is always good, it is the undeniable principle that guides everything and i do not believe in absolutes. I am into self-improvement, trying to be a better person day by day although I realize no one is perfect and I am certainly far from. "Like people for their virtues, but love them for their imperfections." I enjoy being unrestrained and spontaneous and have a general dislike for unwarranted authority, at the same time I maintain a reserved side because sometimes you can say more with silence. I believe in living while you can, do what you want when you want and don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise for those people are simply afraid to see of what they are capable. My biggest fear is looking back on a life of regrets. I value intellect, loyalty, honesty & mutual respect, but above all the ability to find humour in anything no matter how stupid or innapropriate. I call it the power of positive thinking and who doesn't love laughing. Extra info I am a college grad. (Business Mgmt), I have a pet (1 dog), watch movies, love all the goofyass music from the '80s, like to shop, go to pro-baseball games, and like the outdoors. Be easy. -t
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