About ZackV16

Where to start? I am 28 years old. I love my job, have great friends, and am a huge movie/sports fan. I am normally the life of the party and love to make people laugh. I have been told that I am very witty and a blast to be around. As far as music, I like it all...classic rock is my #1 though. With movies I would say comedies are my favorite, if you were to look through my collection you would also see a lot of sci-fi and dramas as well. I am very random and fun is a big priority for me. I figure if you're not having fun then why are you living? I do like my social interactions with friends but I also like to stay home and chill, watch a movie, or just talk. You have to like sports...I am a HUGE Cowboy and Mavericks fan and it helps to have the love of sports in common. As far as what I am looking for in a woman, it's pretty simple. I am looking for someone who does not think the world revolves around them, is not a control freak, and knows how to cut loose and have a great time. Oh yeah, and can handle my constant movie quotes and 1 liners. Overall I just want to meet someone who gets me and wants to share with me the laugh riot I call life.
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