About sifrit

Hardworking Professional Writer Who Loves Travel, Adventure, Romance
I am an energetic professional writer with a sense of humor. Though intellectual, I am not a snob. I have travelled extensively and lived abroad (Europe, Africa, North America). I speak English, German, French - and am happy to correspond with you in any of these three languages. The unanimous opinion of girlfriends past and present is that I am great at sex. I love nature - hiking and camping. I have a large reptile collection. I am a published author and earn my living by writing. I am passionate about my writing and passionate about those who inspire me to write through love and affection. Art, literature, and classical music are a part of my life - I enjoy sharing or helping others to share them. I stay fit though swimming and weight training. My current relationship is stagnating and I am looking to move on. I am looking for new inspiration to drive me to greater literary quality and productivity. Are you someone who can do this? Are you bold enough to try?
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