About Director2222

Meet adult man singles in Chandler in Arizona
36 years old straight single man located in Chandler, Arizona

I love sex!!!

About me: From: East side Flint MI, Arizona Av. memories To: East Boston, a wannabe wiseguy & prison cell reality's. From: NY, NJ, NH, & Vermont's underground rave's To: A big shout out of apologies to all for my past way's From: The LA streets shooting up on Sunset strip To: surrendering my life to Jesus "WOW" what a trip!" From: The only high I ride now comes in ocean waves To: North shore baby! "GLORY BE TO GOD" he gets all the praise! From: AKA Eddie "little eddie" Paquette, Edszo, TJ, Jude, Timothy Jude Draven, "I could go on & on" Instead I will say Mahalo & Aloha good friends and then be gone............

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