About Elick1234567890

Free website for meeting men in Los Angeles in California
24 years old straight single man located in Los Angeles, California

Scuba Diver looking to go real deep

Whats it like when your really attracted to someone. Like first, as she looks at the guy, and starts to REALLYPAY ATTENTION, she just becomes aware of certain things ...like the rhythm of her breathing, and the beating of herheart, and the outline of his face ... so as she becomesaware of all these things, one particular feature of hisface just starts to rivet her attention, so she becomestotally absorbed in the connection taking place ... and asthat's all happening, it's like the warmth of his voice,the deep rich warmth of it, just starts to penetrate herconsciousness, and spread all through her body, and as herheart beats faster and her breathing increases, that warmthjust heats up into a fire, a fire spreading through herchest and down through her belly, a fire pounding andpulsating all through her, down to where she really longsto have it go, until that desire for him just BECOMESUTTERLY OVERWHELMING, and she just SURRENDERS to it completely.

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