About jasontxxx

VERY GENTLE, BUT FIRM, romantic, and fair, from mild to WILD!
Hello ladies, do you like tall open minded, for real guys? I am 6 foot 4 inches tall, and wheigh 200 pounds. I am a man that likes to have fun from mild to wild. I have blonde hair, but keep it shaved, I have blue eyes. I need to get in better shape, but dont we all. I do keep my head shaved now, unlike the pic. I love to go off roading, and drag racing and own a vehicle to do both. I am wild and crazy, I have bunjee jumped, and will sky dive. So if your boring, im not your guy. If you wanna get out, have fun, spend a happy day together, get home and be man handled, then, you found me. Be a good girl and send me a message.
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