About YMCMbaaby

Saskatoon adult online dating for women in Saskatchewan
20 years old straight single man located in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

I Cant Message on this thing yet but heey Add my Face book, Terelle Kahpeaysewat ,

Well Im 19 years old, First Nation Cree. Love Liven it the City, i got black Hair, Favorite Colors are Blakck, whiye. red and white. I Listen too Drake and some other people u probaly never heard of. and I Like meeting new people, Going places, Looken for the Right girl, or making friends, Cause i need some new ones, mine are sneaks. I May look intimadating but I really aint, just grew up on the wrong side, or with the wrong poeple. but im nothing like them, ill never be nothen like em. and i have 4 tattoo's , My last name on my Right arm and my Baby boys name on the other, I have a tear drop tattoo beside my eye cause I Lost some body Really close too me and the last one Is P L G , some body else that was important to me, but that was. an other then that i dont know what too say, just ask for your self, im pretty much down for what ever

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