About tiffy3787

My name is Tiffany. I'm kinda new to this whole thing. I'm curious about a lot of things.... havent tried too much..... rite now I'm trying to get over the very recent loss of my mother who was more like a friend to me then my mom. I'm not really up for meeting anyone in the near future. I dont want to be hurt and played anymore in the fragile state Im already in. Anways I'm 5'6 and a BBW. If you dont like fat chicks I suggest you dont send me a request or deny mine because I dont wanna hear from any haters... You can all go fuck yourselves. My mom always told me I was beautiful and she was rite. I may not be skinny but I have the biggest HEART anyone could ever have.... and I AM PRETTY!!!!! I dont care what anyone has to say about it. I'm into guys with long hair and a little scruff.... scrawny irish boys with red hair are a huge turn on.... boys who look tiny but can still throw me around. I like people with a good sence of humor and a good heart. People who are intelligent regaurdless of what sex they may be... yes I'm into girls as well but they must have a certain something to really get me going. I am mostly into men. When it comes to women I LOVE curves..... girls with chub going make me drool I dont care what people think of that either.... but my girls do need to look like girls.... I'm not down with the whole butch lesbian styled chick.... just not my thing. If I'm with a girl I wanna be with a girl.... If you have any questions feel free to write..... RIP MoM 1/31/57-12/11/10 May Angels Lead You In
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