About jxdsailorman

Making the most of life and all it has to offer
The charm of a southern gentleman, the genuineness of a Midwesterner and the drive of a Yankee. How do you get all of that in one package? Well, I was born in NH and moved to the south when I was 10. Grew up and went to school in VA & NC. Worked in the south for a while and went to the upper Midwest to further my career and to get off of the road. After spending a few years in the Midwest and more recently Boston, I now find myself returning home to the south. Along the way I inherited the best that the people I surrounded myself with had to offer. The charm and manners instilled into southern boys so they grow to be gentleman, the caring and sincerity of the farmers and small town folk of the Midwest, and the drive and sense of purpose of the movers and the shakers in the business world that are from New England. I cherish life and relationships, making the most of the time we have been given and showing respect for the people in my life. I am a man of character and commitment. A man of his word who respects the varying opinion of others while maintaining my own identity. I am adventuresome and always willing to try new things. I am affectionate and attentive. I love sports of all kinds and enjoy being outdoors.
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