About anthonyxdonofri

You only live once so lets enjoy it!
I am 23 years old and I am 6 feet tall and 163lbs! I used to be An Army Ranger but left a year and a half ago! Yes I was over seas a few times and saw alot of messed up stuff and somtimes had to deal it to! No I wont tell you if I shot anyone or anyother things ppl tend to ask me! Just know im a great guy and I served my country! Now for the rest! Ive a great sens of humor and tend to be sarcastic! I love to laugh and meet new ppl! Im very laid back and uncomplicated and hate drama! You only live once so lets enjoy it!I am very energetic and love to have fun! I am very wild in bed and hate quickies! My idea of good sex is at least a steady 4 hours lol! I wont lie I dont think there is much I dont know but you are willing to try! If you want an amazing time with guarented pleasure you should probly hit me up! I dont stop till we both get off and even then I can keep going lol! Im insatable! Anything you want to know just ask!
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