About lordofmadness

New Braunfels men online dating in Texas
30 years old straight single man located in New Braunfels, Texas

Wanting some love, and some "loving!"

I'm a bit of a homebody, but I like to do outdoorsy stuff like hiking and camping. I'm also quite the dork, and enjoy activities which are generally socially awkward, like Video games, warhammer, etc. I'm also very good with my hands ;) That being said, I'm brand new to the idea of casual sex, and would prefer it if it weren't completely casual. I love sex, think about it and want it constantly, but would never, ever cheat in a committed relationship. Honesty, Faith, Trust, Communication are they keys. Also, for some reason it's not letting me update my Sex Stats, so if you want to know, just ask.

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