About violatalks

Meet Orlando woman in Florida
37 years old straight single woman located in Orlando, Florida

So Sexy Down For Mr Right...

Hello dear friend! The aim of my meeting is making a family or a real friendship. I�m charming, attractive and self-assure, I solve all problems myself (I have no solid shoulder). I�m communicative and cheerful person. I love life in every point. I can�t stand lie and false, hypocrisy, cowardice. While all my life I got accustomed to be patient, faithful, self-dependent, but anyway I need to have near man�s attention and warmth. In nature I�m friendly, joyful, with sense of humor, forbearing to defects and weakness of other people (to some extent). I like to cook and stand a treat. I�m wise and clever within reasonable limits. I like people with active life�s position. My life�s priority is peace of mind. The main thing in relationships is mutual understanding!

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