About thedman4u

If your looking for one of those climbing the walls, nails in the ceiling kinda sex, we need to get together?
Ok, Let's get the age thing out of the way. I'm 46, but most people think im in my mid to late 30's. I keep my hair about the same length as Jason Stathams (if that helps lol). I am fairly muscular (have a 4 pack going for the full very soon. lol)and most women seem to think I'm hot (using their own words). Personally, I don't see it, but whatever. I have a good sense of humor, but sometimes it can be a little sarcastic. I am a very passionate person about pretty much everything in life. I like pretty much all types of music. And I like to have fun. But considering the nature of this site...I guess that might not be what you want to know. lol So, I'm roughly about 9" and thick. I know exactly where your G spot is...and that can be fun. I am a highly sexual person and enjoy giving oral sex and pleasing my partner. I don't remember the last time I had sex for less than 2 and a half hours. 6 or 7 hours goes by fast. I really enjoy bringing a woman to multiple orgasms and ending by giving you such a powerful one that all you can do is quiver and or curl up in the fetal position. Basically, I enjoy completely satisfying a woman. I'm very up front (if you hadn't noticed by now lol) and don't like head games. If you are looking for one of those rare climb the walls, nails in the ceiling sexual experiences we need to get together. You won't be dissappointed. I don't have many more pictures (I don't usually like having my picture taken lol), . I only have the basic membership and can't read your messages, so, if you are serios about hooking up, my berry number is two zero four, two two nine seven zero nine five.
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