About paddiryan

I love sex!!!
i love sex it realy is a spirtule thing ta me !! lets face it phiisicly its the most intamit act you can shair with another humen bieng so i dont take it lightly. ya like any dude i could fuck for the sake of fuck n. but its so much hotter when you both fuck eachothers brians first. sex starts for me way befor we make it to the bed. nothing better than a good build up. i like to teas and be teased but dont werry i will deliver. my favorit thing about sex is makeing a women come ...a lot i like the power of that it makes me feel like a true man..listen some dudes fish some play poker others play sports. me i like sex and all the difrent ways to do it..so fk it lets chat see if we cnnect and take it from there
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