About secretshamilton

In public, I am the kind of girl you want to take home to your mother a vixen with next door appeal. Professional, optimistic, determined, and a go getter. When it is time to have fun a different person comes out to play. I enjoy erotic, adventurous sexual encounters. I have to know you on some level and feel comfortable with you before the erotic side comes out to play. It doesn't take long but it does take effort. I am looking for some mind stimulation and a person who can make me laugh.I understand that on some level everyone wants to know they will be accepted...this is however, never an excuse to inflat who, what, how, or when you can deliver. If you are lying or think you should lie to impress me ...please do not send me a message, as I do not like men with low self-esteem. Nor, am I interested in men who do not understand "effort=results", simply put if you are unwilling to bring your A GAME...you need not respond.I am not desparate because i do have a man right now, just my sex drive is too much for one man. I need someone that can keep up.I love sex! Very sexually active...sex is on my mind 24/7, The feeling of an intense orgasm and hear each other scream out in ecstasy is just priceless!!!!
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