About sa1214

Just looking for sex!
I am a single man looking to meet new people. I stay physically fit. I like social scenes and am comfortable meeting just about anywhere. I'm not the possessive or jealous type. I enjoy meeting people and can hold good conversations, laugh and joke as well. I like to be discreet and respect others discretion, definitely taking care of the ladies before myself. I enjoy being with people who have a positive attitude. I have a laid back & easy going personality but I speak my mind when I have to. Pretense is for people with time to waste. I am sexually confident and I like to satisfy. I am always trying to learn new ways to use my tongue ) Foreplay is underrated. I like my partners to be people I'd hang around with even if we weren't having sex. I believe things come naturally so if it happens it happens and I don't like to force anything. Send me an email if interested. I get little time to socialize so I try to make the most of each minute.
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