About akirish907

All free Anchorage online dating for women in Alaska
33 years old straight single man located in Anchorage, Alaska

Half Saint, Half Sinner

i was Born in Kildare Ireland, and raisied in Alaska, i love to do anything new, new adventures, new stories, NO DRAMA, no jerry springer, i like to watch the show, not live it, love to watch Notre Dame football, anything with adreline like mosh pits, snowboards-machines, lately i've been flying around the states, i don't know what i am looking for other than i place to relax, enjoy moments, i am restles, when things are to slow, i am looking to climb a cliff, not for someone to see me do it, 'cause its there, take a drive to know where, where no one knows me, no one is judging me, new friends, new adventures, NEW STORIES, i've been to 43 states of America, i've everywhere of Europe other than England, someday i think i have to go there just to see it, and put the past to rest, i want to get back in the ring, before my time fades,

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